Wednesday 10 July 2013


How Strong is/are Your Argument(s)? 
‘Strong arguments’ are directly related to the question.
‘Weak arguments’ are not directly related to the question.

In these questions, a statement is followed by two arguments. A strong argument is that which touches the practical and real aspect of the situation as described in the statement. A weak argument is very simple, superfluous and long drawn one. Candidates are required to distinguish between the strong and weak arguments.
Steps to Mark Strong or Weak, Arguments

1. A strong argument should relate with the statement and be supported by facts or established notions, but it should not be a factual statement. 

Situation 1

Rural tourism should be encouraged in rural areas
 I. Yes, rural people are creative
2 Yes, this would help to solve problems of unemployment to some extent.

Argument I is a factual statement. It may be true or may not be true. So, it is a weak argument. 
II gives a strong reason for promotion of rural tourism. So, it is a strong argument. 8

2. A strong argument should give the deep analysis of the topic dealt within the statement. 

Situation 2

Traditional culture should be preferred to modern culture. Argument No, both have their good points as well as bad points.

The argument
above is a super fluous one. It does not give any analysis of the core of the topic. It gives no reasons. Hence, it is a weak argument.

3. A strong argument gives the realistic diagnosis of the situation described in the statement.

Situation 3

Nuclear families are better than joint families.

No, joint families ensure security and also reduce the burden of work.

Above argument
provides a realistic diagnosis of the situation given in the question. So, it is a strong

4. The argument must be judged as an argument not as an opinion.
Situation 4
Should India be declared a ‘developed country’?
Yes, why not.

The argument
is in the form of a counter-question, which shows it is an opinion of the author, without
any strong’ reason. Hence, this is not a strong’ argument.

5. A strong argument
should not be mere reiteration of the situation given in the statement.

6. Whenever any argument is followed by ‘only’, then that is generally a weak argument as that may not be only possible case.

Situation 5

All the rivers should be connected.
I. Yes, this is the only way of checking floods.

2. Yes, this will prove very helpful for irrigation.

Argument I
is a weak argument due to the use of word ‘only’. There may be other ways to check floods also. So, it is a weak argument. II is a strong argument as it is providing sufficient reason in favor of the situation.

7. Whenever any argument covers a mass or the government or higher authority then you cannot direct them. So, in these cases if the argument is followed by ‘must’, then that is generally a weak argument. But a person on higher post may direct and instruct his/her subordinates (or mass).
Situation 6

Social and financial inclusion are Two very important and fruitful steps for reducing the gap between various classes

I. Yes, government must take all possible steps to ensure    this.

II. Yes, government should encourage and promote this.

Argument is a weak
argument as government cannot be forced to take any step. We should keep faith in the governance process. So, due to use of word must’, it is a weak argument. II is a strong argument. II says that government should encourage this.

This is the right way of arguments, with a person on higher authority, with the use of word ‘should’

8. Whenever instead of saying anything about the statement, some other ways or some alternate options are provided in the argument, then that is a weak argument.
Situation 7

Statement: India should go for more nuclear power plants.

I. Yes, it is safe and efficient.
2. No, India should go for more hydro-power plants.
Argument II is a weak argument as it is providing an alternate option instead of arguing for or against the statement. us a strong argument as it is in favour of the statement and providing solid reasons for the statement.

9. Whenever any argument is based on the comparisons, like comparison with other country etc, then that argument is a weak one.

Situation 8
Statement:- India should adopt one child policy.

I. No, this is not possible
2. Yes, China has adopted this policy, so we should adopt this.

Argument II
is based on the comparison but the condition of India is different from China, so it is not right to go for comparisons. Hence II is a weak argument. is also weak as it does not provide a valid reason for the argument.

10. An argument must contain a conclusion. It should either support the statement or should be against the statement.

Situation 9
Statement The aim of education system is to inspire young minds and develop their capabilities. 

I. Yes, this is the best way to prepare young ones for the  future.
II. No, there are many other ways also.
Here argument I is supporting the statement and is in co-ordinance with the sense of the statement. On the basis of II, no conclusion can be drawn. So, it is a weak argument and I is a strong one.

11. An argument can be valid without being true in real world. So, you should go with the question without interpreting anything by yourself. For example-All birds can fly. An ostrich is a bird. So, according to the statement an ostrich can fly. Your answer should be this only.

12. Ambiguous arguments are weak arguments. In such statements, the writer’s intention is not clear and their is no co-relation between the statement and the arguments and course of action. 

Situation 10

Statement: One should enjoy life because tomorrow one has to die.
Argument: No, instead one should strive to achieve a goal rather than think of death as a goal.

Here the argument
is ambiguous. Both statement and argument are different and unrelated. Argument
is not related to the statement and only a hint of it is made. So, it is a weak argument.

13. An argument is a strong argument, if it is a scientifically and universally established and accepted fact.

Situations 11
Statement: Smoking should be banned in India. 

Argument Yes, it causes and mouth-ulcers
Here, the argument
is an established fact. So, it is a strong’ argument.

14. Universally accepted experiences and examples are ‘strong’ arguments.
Situation 12

Statement Should there be free trade between countries?
Argument No, the poor countries are likely to be exploited  by the rich.
The argument
above is a universally accepted experience’ and it has been proved in the past, so, it is a
strong argument.

15. An argument is a weak argument, if it violates the prevailing notions of truth. 

Situation 13

Statement: Love marriages in the same clan should be allowed.
Argument: Yes, if both are mature and willing, then they cannot be prohibited from doing it.

The argument
above violates the prevailing notions of truth that marriages in same clan is not
possible’ and promotes incest, so it is a weak argument’.

16. An individual’s perceptions or assumptions are ‘weak’ arguments. Assertions are also ‘weak’ arguments. 

Situation 14

Statement  Cottage industries should be promoted in villages.

Argument  Yes, rural people are creative

The argument
for the statement is a mere perception of an individual with no reasoning behind it. So, it
can be rejected as a ‘weak’ argument.

Dictionary (Alphabet) tests- 5 (Today Words)

3. Fastidious
Hard to please,
careful attention

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