Friday 12 July 2013



Tip #1

Make diagrams (family charts) as they help you in establishing clear relationships.

Tip #2

Direction of the relation matters. E.g. If I am your mother, you are my son (or daughter) and not mother. Most common errors are made in the direction of relation

Tip #3

A relation on mother's side are maternal and on the father's side are paternal. Unless specified the relationships are to be assumed as paternal.

Tip #4

Learn all the first level relations and second level relations. 

First level relations are mother, father, brother, sister, husband and wife etc. 

Second level relations are grandparents, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece etc. 

Tip #5

When you have the word "only" in your question. Please ensure the sex of the people involved in your relationship. If the statement "The only daughter of the father" is spoken by a female then the answer is "yourself" else you are a man and the answer is "sister".

Tip #6


Mother or father's son ----------------------------------------------Brother
Mother's of father's daughter ----------------------------------------Sister
Mother or father's brother ------------------------------------------Uncle
Mothers or fathers sister --------------------------------------------Aunt
Mothers or fathers father--------------------------------------------Grandfather
Mothers or fathers mother-------------------------------------------Grandmother
Son's wife-----------------------------------------------------------Daughter-in-law
Daughters husband--------------------------------------------------Son -in -law
Husbands or wifes sister---------------------------------------------Sister-in-law
Husbands or wifes brother-------------------------------------------Brother-in-law
Brother's son--------------------------------------------------------Nephew
Brother's daughter --------------------------------------------------Niece
Uncle or aunts son or daughter--------------------------------------Cousin
Sisters husband-----------------------------------------------------Brother-in-law
Brothers wife-------------------------------------------------------Sister-in-law

Tip #7

Basic Relationships Part II:

Grandfather's only daughter-in-law: Mother

Grandmother's only daughter-in-law: Mother

The only son of your father: Yourself

Wife of your father: Mothe
Grandfather's only son: Father

Grandmother's only son: Father

Mother-in-law of mother: Grandmother

Father-in-law of mother: Grandfather

The only daughter of the father: Sister

Son of the father of the father: Brother

Son of the only son of the father: Son

Son of the only son of the grandfather: Brother

Daughter of the only son of grandfather: Sister

Relations from one generation to next:

Different types of questions with explanation:

Type 1:

If A + B means A is the mother of B; A x B means A is the father of B; A $ B means A is the brother of B and A @ B means A is the sister of B then which of the following means P is the son of Q?

(A) Q + R @ P @ N       (B) Q + R * P @ N
(C) Q x R $ P @ N        (D) Q x R $ P $ N

Solution: (D)

Q x R = Q is the mother of R [-Q, ±R]
R $ P = R is the brother of P [+ R, ±P]
P $ N = P is the brother of N [+ P, ±N]
Therefore P is the son of Q.

Type 2:

A has 3 children. B is the brother of C and C is the sister of D, E who is the wife of A is the mother of D. There is only one daughter of the husband of E. what is the relation between D and B?

Solution: With the chart

Therefore, D is a boy because there is only one daughter of E.
Hence, B is the brother of D.

Note: While solving the question (+) can be used for male and (-) can be used for female.

1.If A + B means A is the mother of B; A - B means A is the brother B; A % B means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B, which of the following shows that P is the maternal uncle of Q?                                                                                                         Explanation:

P - M → P is the brother of M

M + N → M is the mother of N

N x Q → N is the sister of Q

Therefore, P is the maternal uncle of Q.                                                                                                              
2.If A + B means A is the brother of B; A - B means A is the sister of B and A x B means A is the father of B. Which of the following means that C is the son of M?


M x N → M is the father of N

N - C → N is the sister of C

and C + F → C is the brother of F.

Hence, M is the father of C or C is the son of M.                                                                                                                                                                                             
3. If A + B means A is the father of B; A - B means A is the brother B; A % B means A is the wife of B and A x B means A is the mother of B, which of the following shows that M is the maternal grandmother of T?


M x N → M is the mother of N

N % S → N is the wife of S

and S + T → is the father of T.

Hence, M is the maternal grandmother of T.              

4.If P $ Q means P is the father of Q; P # Q means P is the mother of Q and P * Q means P is the sister of Q, then N # L $ P * Q shows which of the relation of Q to N?                                                                                             


As the sex of Q is not known, hence, data is inadequate.

5.If A $ B means A is the brother of B; A @ B means A is the wife of B; A # B means A is the daughter of B and A * B means A is the father of B, which of the following indicates that U is the father-in-law of P?


P @ Q → P is the wife of Q ...(1)

Q $ T → Q is the brother of T ...(2)

T # U → T is the daughter of U

Hence, → Q is the son of U ...(3)

U * W → U is the father of W.

From (1) and (3), U is the father-in-law of P.


Each of these questions is based on the following information:
  1. A + B means A is the mother of B.
  2. A - B means A is the sister of B.
  3. A * B means A is the father of B.
  4. A β B means A is the brother of B.

1.Which of the following means that N is the maternal    uncle of M?

A.N β P - L + E - MB.N - Y + A β M
C.M - Y * P - ND.N β C + F * M


N β P → N is the brother of P

P - L → P is the sister of L

L + E → L is the mother of E

E - M → E is the sister of M
Hence, L is the mother of M, P is the maternal aunt of 

M and N is the maternal uncle of M.


Each of these questions is based on the following information:
  1. M % N means M is the son of N.
  2. M @ N means M is the sister of N.
  3. M $ N means M is the father of N.

   1.Which of the following shows the relation            that C is the granddaughter of E?

C % B $ F $ EB.B $ F $ E % C
C.C @ B % F % ED.E % B $ F $ C


C @ B → C is the sister of B

B % F → B is the son of F

Hence, → C is the daughter of F

F % E → F is the son of E

Hence, → C is the granddaughter of E.


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