Saturday 6 July 2013


Guys Seating arrangement is most important part of reasoning section.It covers 15 marks in the bank exams

There are 4 types of ‘Logical-Arrangement’ questions
  1. Circular : Sitting In a Round Table
  2. Linear : Sitting in rectangular table or row
  3. Traits: List of people given, A lives in Hyderabad and prefers T  and owns Maruti etc.
  4. Family trees: A is the father of B who is mother Office…
These problems are quite easy to solve but can be very time-consuming if you do not proceed in a proper manner.
In order to solve seating arrangement questions, first of all diagram should be made. By doing so questions are easily and quickly solved.

Example 1:
  1. 6 Boys are sitting in a circle and facing towards the centre of the circle.
  2. Rajeev is sitting to the right of mohan but he is not just at the left of Vijay.
  3. Suresh is between Babu and Vijay.
  4. Ajay is sitting to the left of Vijay.

Who is sitting to the left of Mohan ?

Solution :

Hence, Babu is sitting to the left of Mohan.

Example 2:
  1. Eleven students A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting in first line facing to the teacher.
  2. D who is just to the left of F, is to the right of C at second place.
  3. A is second to the right of E who is at one end.
  4. J is the nearest neighbour of A and B and is to the left of G at third place.
  5. H is next to D to the right and is at the third place to the right of I.
Who is just in the middle ?

Solution :

Hence, I is just in the middle.

Example 3:

Siva, Sathish, Amar and Praveen are playing cards. Amar isto the right of Sathish, who is to the right of Siva.

Who is to the right of Amar ?

Solution :

Hence Praveen is to the right of Amar.

Example 4:
  1. A, B and C are three boys while R, S and T are three girls. They are sitting such that the boys are facing the girls.
  2. A and R are diagonally opposite to each other.
  3. C is not sitting at any of the ends.
  4. T is left to R but opposite to C.
(A). Who is sitting opposite to B ?

(B). Who is sitting diagonally opposite to B ?

Solution :

(A). Hence, R is sitting opposite to B.

(B). Hence, S is sitting diagonally opposite to B.

If you want to practise more question on seating arrangement,below link is given..

Dictionary (Alphabet) tests- 2

A luxurious person
Harmful, dangerous
Intelligent, clever
Very lazy, dull

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